Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Monday, November 27, 2006

And He Saw The Day... And It Was Good

Waking up to tremendous mouth pain, it was trying to finish my bowl of oatmeal...

But no fear!! Soon my frown was turned upside down!
My lovely doctor prescribed me an oral anesthetic along with some pain killers for my. All is well in the world that is my mouth.

As for for the rest of me, my counts are back down. This is expected from last weeks chemo.
So I'm back under lock and key, back in my bubble.

Unfortunately, they can't restart my "Superman" meds until the chemo finishes... So I think we're looking at Thursday for that.

Between the low counts and the mouth sores my doc is almost expecting me to come down with some sort of infection sometime. Which would not be the greatest scenario since it requires them to admit me. So let's pray this week for no infections!!!

My counts being down also explain my general laziness on Sunday. So today they also gave me 2 units of red blood cells, which has totally increased my energy level. Back to my usual peppy self!

In Conclusion
1. The mouth pain is manageable and it should be all cleared up by the end of the week.
2. If they start the meds to bring my counts up by Thursday Friday, I should be ready to go by Monday Tuesday!
3. Back to Sloan Tues - Wed for chemo... no worries there. After this, I have a chemo vacation until December 18th!!!!
4. Cherish your sore free mouth... unless you currently have a canker. In that case... I feel your pain :-)

Good night!


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick, Hang in there sweetheart...better days are coming...because you deserve them...we're praying and know that God is taking you through this difficult time....stay strong...we love you ...Jo, Jill & Jenna

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick!! We love ya and are thinking of you. You better get the mouth in shape for Muscles's coming soon!! Love you kiddo and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Nick I love you!! You're in my prayers!! Can't wait to see you! <3 ya Jac