Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Monday, November 06, 2006

In The Beginning...

So how did this all begin?

I believe a timeline is in order!

Late July
I started having random fevers and headaches, nothing constant and nothing major. Doctor believed I was simply getting over a virus.

Early September
Those "random fevers" turned into a 10 day non-stop fever fest. Tylenol was my only relief. At this time I sought out a doctor up at school that could help me get this figured out.

I found a Dr. Feinstein listed under "Infectious Disease" (Creepy Title, I know). Deep down part of me was hoping this would sort of work out like an episode of House. Unfortunately it was pretty anti-climactic.

He ran a myriad of blood tests including mono, mono like diseases, tick diseases and the like. However all the results came back negative and I also perceived my symptoms to be getting better, and so we parted ways. The plan was to check back sometime in October just for due diligence.

Most of October
Throughout this entire time I was experiencing night sweats. However, in the beginning I discounted it as a symptom. At the time it was pretty warm out, we had yet to reach a house agreement on the A/C, and my multitude of blankets made me believe that it was just me.

As the month went on the temperature dropped, the blankets lessened, and even the house had somewhat silently agreed on the A/C temp. Yet I was still sweating!

At that point I started taking my temperature through the night.
Sure enough, I was having Fevers!!!! The Night Sweats were the fevers breaking on their own.
Here I am thinking I got rid of em, while really they became nocturnal.

Here's where it gets interesting...

Tuesday October 24, 2006
Back to good ol' Dr. Feinstein. He agreed that something wasn't right and sent me for blood work and now a cat scan. We agreed I would come back in on thursday when he would have the results of both.

Wednesday October 25, 2006 10:00am

"Hi Nick, This is Sandy from Dr. Feinstein's office. The doctor would like to see you now."
"...Right now?"
"Yes, Right Now."

Dr. Feinstein received the report from the CAT Scan, and there were different masses or nodes that were very suspicious of lymphoma. However, at that time there were also a few other options on the table. His suggestion was to immediately seek out an oncologist to get a better diagnosis.

After what was probably the worst three-way call with my parents (my poor mother almost had a heart attack) I was on my back to long island to get a better handle on this.

Wednesday October 26, 10:00pm
Wham, Bam Thank You Ma'am!

In Twelve hours, I went from being in Poughkeepsie (confused out of my mind) to being admitted into Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in the city. Immediately they begin running tons of blood work and also sent me for different CAT Scans at 12:30 in the morning.

Thursday October 27
Thursday was filled with test, after test, after test. I didn't even know if I was coming or going.
I was also introduced to way too many doctors.

There was the surgical team that was to perform a biopsy to get a better idea of what we're dealing with.

There was another team of doctors evaluating me in the case that the biopsy returned a lymphoma.

Lastly, there was another team evaluating me in the case that the biospy returned a sarcoma.

The amount of care and attention to detail was amazing even from Day 1.

Friday October 27, 2006
I don't remember much from this day. The biopsy occurred at around 9:30 AM and the general anesthesia kept me pretty loopy for the rest of the day. What I do remember is that we were positive it was lymphoma. However, we didn't know what type.

It's like saying I have a Dodge... But I don't know if it's a Viper, a Charger, or possibly even a Spirit!!! (Kudos if you had yourself a chuckle)

It would take a few more days to get a definite diagnosis as they examine the samples they took.

Sidenote: So where did these samples come from?
It turns out that there was a large mass growing in my pelvis.
(Yes, mass is keyword for tumor, but mass just sounds better)
When you look at an image of your pelvis, you see your bladder take shape like a big balloon. Unfortunately, mine was sharing half it's space with this lovely mass. Which also explains why I was going to the bathroom like a pregnant woman.

Moving On!!!

Tuesday October 31, 2006 7:00pm
We have a diagnosis!

Diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma
This is the most common non-hodgkins type lymphoma.

Now as you go out and google this term, you might find different numbers of a 5 year survival rate. 60%, 75%. However, those in my age group experience cure rates of 95% so as I said before, no need to worry!

Here is a good time to introduce my doctor.
Dr. Tanya Trippett

This woman is a saint. While most doctors will shrug off your concerns and simply try to be finished with you, I have never seen a doctor take such time to fully address all of my concerns, while clearly articulating everything that is happening. This includes the tests that are being run, the concerns that they have, and the purpose of each medication that I have been prescribed. After meeting with her (which has occurred every morning since I have been admitted to sloan) she has never left me with an unanswered question, or with a confused look on my face.

I can only imagine the amount of patients she has and yet she can still take such time out to be so involved.

Tuesday October 31, 2006 8:00PM
After a brain draining session explaining everything about my new found lymphoma, treatment quickly began.

For this type of lymphoma the treatment simply calls for chemotherapy, no radiation is required.
Unfortunately, the entire treatment cycle lasts a year.

Again, this is no need to worry. The treatment is broken up into three phases.
1. Induction
2. Consolidation
3. Maintenance

Induction - This is the most aggressive part of treatment. This usually lasts for the first 20-30 days. This is where I am hit with the hardest meds to quickly combat the cancer in my body. This is the main reason why I need to remain home through the rest of the fall semester.

With the type of lymphoma that I have, it can grow quite rapidly. Luckily, the chemo causes it to retreat just as quickly.

As for Consolidation and Maintenance, I'm still a bit hazy on the details. But the most important thing to note is that the treatment required is not as aggressive as the first Induction stage.

I will be returning to Marist for Spring 2007... PARTY!!!!

Wednesday - Friday, November 1 - 3 2006

My first round of chemo went off without a hitch and I came through it with flying colors.
As they introduced the meds into my body, I was filled with anxiety. Obviously everyone has heard horror stories of cancer treatment.

Luckily I can say I have experienced none of these symptoms. I have remained my radiant and happy self throughout the treatment.

I won't lie though, Thursday into Friday was a little rough. The meds took a lot out of me and I could do nothing more but stay in bed and rest. Yet, by Friday night I awoke from one of my many naps feeling refreshed and as good as new!

Saturday November 2, 2006

Pretty Boring...
Watched Over The Hedge
Took a nap
Funny Story: Guys Only, ask me personally for a good laugh! :-)

Sunday November 5, 2006

They want to send me home!!!

Problem: I have to be back here Monday morning anyway for some more treatment I'd rather stay then try to get home during the marathon and come back during rush hour.

But all in all, I'm doing great.

They also had bleachers setup to see the marathon, since they run right past the hospital. I got to see Lance Armstrong as he ran past along with the many members of "Fred's Team" which are the people that run for Sloan-Kettering, where each year they manage to raise over One Million Dollars.

Sidenote: GO COLTS!!!!

Final Update:
Monday November 6, 2006 2:56 AM

All-in-all I think this was a good start.
A good start for my treatment.
A good start for the blog.

I wish I could explain everything to everyone individually. This is a very personal situation, and I want to be able to talk it out with each of you one by one.

Yet somehow I feel that this blog will help to make sure everyone is on the same page. What better way to stay updated then to get it all straight from the source.

Lastly, I don't want anyone to feel burdened or bothered by my condition.
I don't, so neither should you!
But if anyone ever has any questions, I'd be more then happy to answer them.
So you know how to get a hold of me!

As for what lies ahead...
More treatment, and more rest.
The doctor says I should expect to start seeing hair loss in about 10-14 days.
I made her laugh when I told her I was already halfway there.
Any suggestions for hats??

As for the rest of this semester...
I have spoken to all my professors and they have all been gracious enough to allow me to finish my work from home. I don't have to worry about falling behind.

So stay tuned sports fans... More updates ahead!


Anonymous said...

I think you should get a newspaper boy hat and you have to tell me the funny story. Miss you buddy see you in 2 weeks.


p.s. Any nurses that I need to clear my throat?

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick!
Mr. S. here -- Dan's Dad.
Only thing to say is you better plan to visit our home later this winter or in early spring for a grand home-made pasta party.
You're required to come -- I'll leave the details to you and Dano.
Seriously, though, God and your attitude are your greatest assets, along with your family! Keep Christ as your buddy -- you're in our prayers and we will see you soon!
Warm regards,
Mr. & Mrs. S.
PS - Sorry I signed anonymous, but I'm not a "blogger" just yet...

Anonymous said...

you are truly one of a kind nick... i love you

Anonymous said...

Dear Nick,
I really like your website title, way to be all computer smart yet again. I cant wait for the reunion party when you are a cancer survivor in 5 years :)

Anonymous said...

Of course I had to be the first comment! I will be looking forward to being a part of this challenge and supplying positively all the worst snack food possible. (with Maira's help!) All our love and prayers. Uncle RIck and Aunt Maria

Anonymous said...

great idea with the blog! i think i'm going to get you a long, blonde, curly haired wig. it'll be a good look for you.
i'm not a guy but can i hear the funny story?? pleeeaaase? :)
hope everything continues to go well for you! i'll be in touch and i'll see you in two weeks!

Dspad said...

Next semester's Relay for Life will be quite an occasion to celebrate!! I'm blessed to have you as a brother in Christ and I'm inspired in how you trust in the Lord!! You'll be in my prayers, and let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Love ya, buddy!

- D-Spad -

Anonymous said...

how about a wig with curly hair? :P all i can say is that you're an amazing fighter. God knew what he was doing when he picked you for this. we're all praying and rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I hope you're doing well. I gathered all of your stuff at work so let me know when you want me to drop it off. I'll be home wednesday until sunday for turkey!!

Alex (Kehayias)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, I always thought you were an amazing guy but're truely an inspiration to everyone you touch...I honor your spirit and courage...I love the blog idea so we can stay in're my first blog's brociole (spelling ?)I have you in my heart every second of every day...stay strong...I love you...Am I a blogger now?? Jo-Ann

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while you meet someone who unknowingly makes a significant impression in your life.

Nick, your strength and courage in the face of adversity stands as a testament of the wonderful and inspirational person you are. I know you will beat this.

My thoughts and prayers (My Grandma be pleased :-)) are with you.

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

I work in the Criminal Courts Building where your terrific Mom works. Everyone here has you in our thoughts. By the sampling of your writing, I can see you are truly a remarkable young man, and I am convinced that next year we will be on the bleachers to see you running along side of Lance Armstrong! Feel well, live strong and God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
I was about to call you to cheer you up, and after reading your blog, it is you that have cheered me up. Your strength, humor, and positivity affirm my faith in the human spirit - and reminds me that with God all things are possible.
You have quite a fan club here at work, and we're all looking forward to your return. And I'm looking forward to hearing that story...
You have my continued thoughts, prayers and good vibes, and I look forward to reading your blog (which, btw, is very cool for you to share with us!)
All the best,
Andrew (Fitzsimmons)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
This is john i work with your mom and heard of you blog today. I pray that you are on a full recovery soon Nick. You are in my families daily prayers. If you wanna learn more about me I believe it or not have a blog. Thats the link i copied if you get a chance you can go there and get more info about me and what I do. Oh yeah that email addressed has been spammed to death so use this one if you wanna reach me by email.
[email protected]
I know you are getting healed just by reading the positive focus you have in your blog...anyway have a good evening...John

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
I work with your mom and dad. They should be very proud of you. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,
a lovely lady, named Diane works with your mom and called me here in Boston to tell me and ask for prayers... you got 'em everywhere! You are blessed. You're an inspirtation to many, keep your spirits soaring and the love of your family will embrace you always... I'll keep checking in...

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
I am doing this in class. We do miss you, probably more today and the material is hard.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick!

I hope you are feeling better! I left you a quick thought in the MC Band cards we sent (00ps if I spoiled the surprise!) But I know that God is gonna move through you if you let him! Keep your head up and if you need anything, let me know...HW assignments (not like you need my help with that! lol.) Well, I miss you and am praying for you and your family. Take courage.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,

I hope everything is going well with your treatment. We are all thinking about you and miss you in class. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you again. Be strong and if you ever need anything, feel free to contact me.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful attitude you have Nick. When I've faced great challenges reading the Bible has been my greatest source of comfort.
Your family are in my prayers.
Irene de la cruz
Court interpreter County court Rvhd.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick!
I have been thinking about you and your family and keeping you all in my prayers.
Your faith and your courage is an inspiration, and I can just see you up at the poteum at your first Cancer Survivor's Day giving comfort and encouragement to all. I always thought you were an amazing young, I'm sure of it!
Keep the spirit, Nick!
Love, Mrs. Fullam

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
We just heard and read your blog. What a great idea! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a blog. It's also great therapy and also great confront for the rest of us. Thank you for your gift of your self. You and your family will be in our prays. God will always be on you side and will carry you when you are down. As I told your mom, I will tell my mom and her pray group. Jess and Steve send their best wishes. When you feel better Steve and I would like to come and visit. You will beat this and I know You will turn this into something great. May Our Lord watch over you and your family always. Feel well. Maria and Steve

Anonymous said...

Ok... I have the perfect idea for a wig. Have you seen "Parenthood" with Steve Martin. Do you remember what Mathr Plimpton did to her hair? We can leave it all with the shaved look and I will cut some of mine off to give you a pony tail (or braid if you prefer) right in the mddle of your head. Cool, right??
Now I know why you were really upset that we were back at the magic kingdom w/o you. Don't worry - once people see the ponytail they will let you just cut in front the next time you go. :) Let us know if you when you are ready for sushi (our treat). And if you need any platelets, I have done it before - just let me know!
l/y! Jenn, Anna & Emma (& Vinny)

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick

Jeesh, how come I'm the last to know about the blog and I'm family!! hahaha
Well, you have me crying at work over here reading this because it re-enforces how proud I am to have you as my cousin. You are an inspiration to so many people and have touched so many lives. I have no words because you seem to have them all. I think I need to come to you for comfort, go figure!!! I love you kiddo and keep hanging in there. Mom gave me your cell today, bc I think I'm calling her's too much! hahaha I love ya and we'll probably see you soon...btw....I say shave the head. How much different can it look?? hahahah...Love ya Nick.

Anonymous said...


I'm Jill's Uncle Pat. Live right near Marist. When you're back in Poughkeepsie,call me if you need anything.


We never close.Ask Jill.

It's a "Bronx" thing.

Anonymous said...

I work with Dana Gabriel at EOP, Inc. and I am very inspired by your journey.

You see, my Daughter Lauren, 38, has been diagnosed with third stage Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer. She has had all the chemo, radiation and a double mastectomy. But, like you, she has a deep faith in God who has sustained her through all of this. She has lost all of her hair and has been a true warrior in this battle.

Like she, you will both survive, but not without learning some wonderful things about life and the number of lives around you who will be touched by you by this disease. So, thanks for the opportunity to read about you. You are an amazing young man and I know, without doubt, because of your faith and your will, that you will come through this with fly ing colors!

God speed, Nick.

Warm holiday wishes to you and your family!

John Miller
EOP, Inc. (Friend of Dana Gabriel).

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick....

Believe it or not... I was in Aruba,( Barbara from Boston 1:40 am) swimming in the ocean and speaking with another woman in our group of friends and the conversation was about something she was going through & the family history etc.. and I told her of you and how I left a message and then an hour or so later left for the trip and you were on my mind. I shared your great spirit and faith and wealth of family love.... I want you to know you get around!!! One of the ladies we we travel with when we get a chance happens to be a survivor, fifteen years ago she underwent a bone marrow transplant and she was a young mom. Her baby is now 17 yrs old.... and mom is healthy and their family has alot to be envious of and the one thing that I admire most is the strength of their family bond. They too, have a trememdous faith in God & they made it against all odds. She was in a harrowing predicament for a while there. Her family spent much time in the hospital chapel together. I am pretty sure they still attend Saturday evening service and have dinner out as a family. They have many traditions to remain close as a family even as the world becomes increasinigly busy... I do know many are praying for you and blessing you every second... I'll keep checking in and know Diane will update me! You take care. You are brave & strong and remind me that we can handle what comes our way with dignity & grace and God's love will guide us.. Thank you. Bless you always.
P.S. John Miller... May your baby heal quickly in all ways and find peace & happiness in all she does. My heart goes out to you & yours, I lost one of my best friends to leukemia when we were both young moms, she was brave, funny, wholesome, a lifetime friend! I miss her still. I wish nobody ever suffered in this world. I think when one suffers we all suffer... it's so hard to be on the sidelines knowing we can't stop it.. I wish you all the best getting her to good health! I am happy to know she is positive and has a positive faith in God. I am learning, having become a christian in the spring. We are all a work in progress! Peace to you.

Anonymous said...

Hey NICK MERRY Xmass , or should I say Christ- Mass. I am so happy for your great gains, and inevitable success! So when are you up for some REAL FISH!!!!!!! Call me your Sushi Daddy!!!!
Love Uncle Rick