Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Saturday, November 11, 2006

No Pain No Gain!!!

I wake up this morning happy as can be!
(Not really sure how that differs from any other day, maybe I'm usually a little more hungry heh)

I feel like I took a bad spill snowboarding. My lower back is aching.
Now you ask, why should what feels like a bruised tail bone be reason for celebrating?

I'm on a medicine to promote white cell growth. A higher white cell count protects me from infection and once it gets to a certain level, I will not have to worry about catching a bug from those around me and especially the foods I eat. (Chinese and Pizza, here I come!!!)

The main side effect from this drug is bone pain, specifically in the lower back.
So all is right in the world!

2 Tylenol and I'm good to go!!
Now the real question is when is opening day on the mountain? The Doc says I need exercise!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Nick! You are amazing! I am Katelyn's oldest cousin, Krista, and I can't wait to meet you. My family has been raving about you. What an awesome testimony...God is working through you to inspire and awe...

Anonymous said...

dude, we're going boarding over break, k? k good. see you soon!

Anonymous said...

we missed you tonight lovey! we'll come have our own lil sapphire ball at your house over break. itll be 'nicks sapphire/bday ball' yay! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,
Just letting you know that of course you're in my thoughts and in my prayers. I think I could use some lessons from you though. I gotta learn how to look at life like you.