Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Monday, November 13, 2006


For those of you following my white count... let's recap!

A normal person has a White Blood Count (WBC) between 4,000 & 11,000.
When those numbers are low, I'm more likely to get sick from an infection.

Monday Nov. 6th
WBC = 400
Thursday Nov. 9th
WBC = 100

Low Numbers & A Downward trend... not good!

But Wait Let's not forget about that bone pain from the other day! My aches and pains should mean I'm pumping out some more White Blood Cells!

Monday Nov. 13th
WBC = 16,000

That's right! I showed up at Sloan today to discover I'm Superman! My white count is insanely high and I'm no longer at a high risk for infection. For at least the rest of this week I can venture out into public with no fear!

What else is going on....

Medically things are cruising right along! My Doctor is happy, I'm happy, and all is right in the world.

It's been two weeks of treatment and now I'm beginning to experience the classic symptom of cancer treatment.

Hair Loss!
As I washed my hair this morning I noticed some thinning.
I'm not totally worried, those that are familiar with my hairline know I'm halfway there anyway.
At this point I don't know what I should do. Do I let it come out on it's own? Should I buzz it all the way down for a Mr. Clean look? In the meantime I need to find some hats. Problem is, I don't think I look good in many hats.

Maybe I'll setup a poll! Baseball cap, beanie, wool knit? YOU be the Judge!

As for the rest of the week...
Not much going on.
Back to Sloan on Friday for a routine exam.
A Mountain of Coursework to finish.

Until next time!


Anonymous said...

woo superman! you have a BUTTLOAD of white blood cells!
as for the hat, i will be at sno haus over break. if you wanna come in and try some on i'm sure i could get you a discount on them. let me know, if you can't get there maybe santa will bring you some nice ski hats :)
see you in one week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, keep those numbers coming up ... so glad to hear the great news ... one day at a time ... did I tell you that I think bald men are sexy ... I probably shouldn't say that !! Jill and I are looking for the perfect "brociole" hat for you ... to mom,dad,vanessa and you ... we send all our love and prayers, ..... Jo-Ann

Anonymous said...

Nick..your blog is addicted!
Stay Strong.
<3 Jessica Lombardo

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick! This is Kate's counsin Megan, we met at apple picking. I am following your blog & praying for you. I vote for knit ski hats, very practical for this time of year. You could go basic black- make you look like a mysterious artist or poet... or you could go colorful and make a more playful statement! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick - so glad to hear things are going well. Stay strong. We're praying for you. My vote is for the knit ski hat. :)
~Jess Borzone (well, I'm married now, so it's Belizario, but I didn't think you'd know who I was if I put that..:) )

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
This is Jill V.'s Aunt Patty (from Poughkeepsie). We've met a few times, at Marist functions and family parties etc. You've been on my mind since my sister, Jo-Ann, told me about your cancer.

After reading your blog, it's easy to to see you're a fighter. I hope you'll consider making your journal into a book. I know you're tired of hearing it but you are inspirational and could encourage cancer patients, both young and old.

I'm looking forward to having you over for dinner(s) when you get back to Marist. I'm only 10 minutes from the school and like your Mom's kitchen, there is always something with garlic cooking.

Meatballs and macaroni sound good? Can't wait to see you back in Poughkeepsie!

With love and prayers,
Aunt Patty

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick. Perry here. Heard about your situation from the DP MIS guys. My prayers are with you. As for the hat, I'm partial to baseball hats worn backwards on guys. May I recommend a Yankees hat?!!!

Anonymous said...

hello luv! i would like to cast my vote for the mr. clean look and ski hats =)--ill keep my eyes peeled for any particularly stunning ones...--schreiner

Dspad said...

I say you go for a Mr. Clean look with a "hardcore headband," like the karate kid!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nick...your 'ole DECA advisor here.....spoke with your Dad last week & he let me know about your Blog...he said it would be inspirational...that was an understatement!

Visionaries achieve what dreamers are a visionary & proven that many times in different aspects of your life. You are winning the battle over this nasty "bump" in your life...your attitude, spirit, courage, and true zest for living and caring about others are your secret weapons to do battle with these nasty cells! You will prevail as the victor!

Since I am a die-hard skier, I vote for the ski cap although you did look good in that Cotton Eye Joe hat when we were in Nashville!

You're in my thoughts & prayers---
Live Strong!


Anonymous said...

Hey Superman - I'm partial to the George Washington wig. I can't believe that wasn't one of the choices! Since that wasn't a choice, I say you go Mr. Clean with a straight razor. If you do get cold - ski hat. I've got a matching ski suit, but you've got to hang out at the pizza and chinese places for a while to fit in it.
- James Crutchfield

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick!

I suggest that you post your mailing address to this page and let us send you hats!