Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Weekend Getaway

What a week my family and I have had.
It's been pretty crazy to say the latest.

Luckily, I get to have the weekend to myself and I only have to trek into Sloan for a few routine exams next week.

Ya know, I felt so good about this weekend, I decided to take a trip...

Destination of Choice: Sloan
That's right... Unfortunately I'm spending the weekend admitted at my favorite cancer research center.

"Why Nick?"

Well, currently I'm neutropenic (which is expected after last week's chemo).
Whenever you're neutropenic and you come down with a fever, you need to be admitted for observation and to make sure you don't have an infection of any kind.

So, Friday night I came down with a 102 fever and off to Sloan we went! But don't worry about me. I do the same thing at Sloan that I do at home: Eat, Sleep, Watch TV. It's just new scenery.

Hopefully my white counts come up by Monday and, as long as the fevers go away, I'm outta here!!

But for now, I need to get some rest.

Good night All!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, Jill said you liked the package ... there'll be more coming...Pizzelles are my speciality ... do you like rice pudding? I'm routing for that cout to go up...does Sloan know how lucky they are to have you stopping by? Hope you get home soon to your own you, Jo-Ann

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick!! We love you and are thinking of you. I hope you come home soon!! Get those white blood cells up will ya!!! We'll see you soon!! Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nick that last one was me, I'm always forgetting to put my darn name!! haha

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick, its Mike Benedetto.
I tried to drive out to your house last week to see how you were, but unfortunately i had bad directions and got lost.
But anyway, if you need anything you can always call me.
If you need to talk about medical procudures give me a ring.
you know, i'm in the biz. lol.
anyway, i hope you feel better.
gimmie a call so i can talk to you.