Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bad Shrooms....

Nobody likes a bad trip! hehe

Today was a little more exciting then I would have liked.
On the road map to recovery, I receive different medications to help my body in this time of a compromised immune system. One of this is known as IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin). Essentially its antibodies collected from over a thousand blood donors and given to me to help create a temporary passive immune system. Just like when i get blood transfusions, they give me tylenoyl and benadryl to help prevent against any reaction.

Unfortuantely today, that wasn't enough. The ivig is infused over 6 hours. At about 2 hours into it I started getting the chills and shaking VIOLENTLY! Some seriously crazy shaking. All the muscle spazisms also induced a little spout of vommiting as well. They gave me some adavin to stop the vommiting and steroids to reverse the reaction.

After the meds and another little nap, I'm back to normal! They'll try to give the medication again in about a week. But this time they'll premed me with more stuff and infuse the medication at a slower rate. Those combined should lower the chance of having that reaction!

So for now it's back to normal, and back to bed!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 2

So It's Day 2. I'm hanging in there.

Mouth sores seeming to be getting a little worse, but not worries I'll ask for some pain meds.
Also, I'm dealing with some constant diarrhea. Not a lot of fun.

But hey! It could be worse, so I'm not complaining!

Keep on keepin on! :-)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Transplant Time!!!

Hooray! We did it! Transplant is finished!
Just as I mentioned before, it was quite uneventful.

Now we play the waiting game as the graph begins to come in.

Until then it'll be blood and platelet donations for me!

Almost There...

So we're almost there!

Yesterday was not the funnest of days. My stomach was killing me, It was this pain that can only be described as extreme indigestion. Combine that with some cramping that you feel thorough your back and that about sums up my day. A little for vomiting, but as usualy, one spout of it and it disappears.

However, it was also time to move my central line. So I had a central line in the right side of my chest, giving the doctors access to three separate IV lines. Unfortunately, 1 line wasn't working and they had already tried "rewiring" the line last Monday. This meant a change of venue.

The placement of a new central line put its very "comfortably" in my femoral vein. For those less familiar with human anatomy, this places it nicely in my groin. Annoyingly close to all my "male parts" No worries though, this will only be temporary (2-3 weeks)

Today I woke up feeling more like myself. My stomach pain is subsiding with only a few pokes here and there to remind me it still exists. Just trying to relax until...

Transplant Today 6PM

Then it's just sitting back and recovering. So far so goo!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Long Week...

It's been quite the week at Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Tuesday started my radiation therapy. 3 times a day for 4 days. The radiation therapist was impressed. He said he had four TBI (Total Body Irradiation) cases this week, and I was fairing the best! He had 2 guys pass out, and another vomit. It seems like I got the trophy! With the radiation came some nausea but mostly I was just exhausted.

Saturday started the chemo regiment. However before they hung the chemo I had some surprise visitors! Eddie, Matt, and Dan came by before heading to the auto show. The Wozencroft's also came by to wish me well and donate platelets! If that wasn't enough, my friends from home Eric and Liz also came by! It was quite an action packed day.

It was all perfect timing because after they left I went into lockdown! :-)
In other words, with my counts dropping it was time to put me into isolation. Which essentially means anytime anyone comes in the room they need to wear a mask, gown, and gloves. This will minimize the chance for contracting any virus or bacteria while my counts are at Zero.

The chemo on Saturday and Sunday is pretty interesting. Apparently, the drug (Thiotepa) in high dose is excreated through the skin and could cause burns. So after the chemo finishes i have to take a shower. 1 hour after and 6 hours after. A little annoying, but a small price to pay :-)

Sunday, I'm not gonna lie. I felt like poop. Nauseous and tired all day. I didn't want to get outta bed at all. But unfortunately those two pesky showers I needed to take toke preceident.

That brings us to today...
Well I was feeling pretty good actually! But then in the middle of writing this post, out of nowhere, my stomach went sour and felt the need to evacuate. First time during treatment EVER! It wasn't that bad though. Mainly because I haven't eaten anything in three days. I just have no apetite. I've tried to eat some cereal, but after a few bites I just can't take anymore. The doctor isn't worried and has said it's par for the course.

What lies ahead?
Well more chemo tomorrow, and then Wednesday will be a day of rest.
Thursday we'll get our Bone Marrow!!!! Yippe!! And from there it's just recovery. :-)

However, I really do need to get back on the horse in regards to coursework. I'll get to that. Soon... I promise

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dr. Acula.... Get it? :-)

As some of you may know, throughout the transplant process I will be unable to produce the many different types of blood cells that are needed for my body to function. This includes red cells, white cells, and platelets.

During this time I'll be receiving almost constant infusions of these blood products until my body is able to produce them on it's own. If you'd be interested in donating blood or platelets to help me out please check out the link below for more information.

Nick Romanelli Blood Donor Information

It's not just me that will benefit from your donation. Many (if not all) cancer patients will require blood during their treatment. If for whatever reason I am unable to use your donation, rest assured that you have helped someone else just like me!

So far so good

Hello all!

As the title states, so far so good. We started radiation yesterday. Pretty much I stand 15 feet away from this giant machine as it roasts my insides. A recipe for a healthy nick includes roasting 5 minutes on each side 3 times a day for 4 days. So my last treatment will be Friday night.

The radiation is making me feel a little queezy, but more annoying then that is the intense dry mouth it gives me.

Stay tuned for more updates :-)

Monday, March 17, 2008

And So It Begins...

Here we are... March 17th!

I'm currently hanging out at Sloan waiting to be admitted. The marathon begins now. Tomorrow starts 4 days of radiation, 4 days of chemo, 1 day of rest, and finally the marrow!

From there, it's more of an art then a science. We'll see how body responds and how quickly the marrow starts doing its thing!

As always, I'll keep everyone posted!

I also want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement as we start this new lengthy process. Hopefully our last one!!!

Take care

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Down to the wire...

So It's March 5h and we're getting down to wire.

Next week will be filled with a myriad of tests and appointments to be sure I'm ready for the whole transplant process.

On March 17th I'll enter the hospital for the Bone Marrow Transplant!

The first four days will be filled with total body radiation, followed by more days of chemo, and then finally the bone marrow! From that point it will probably be about 3 weeks of recovery before I can continue recovering at home.

As for the bone marrow donor, I've been told their looking at one perfect 10 out of 10 match, and two 9 out of 10 matches. Couldn't ask for anything better

Keep ya posted!