Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Down to the wire...

So It's March 5h and we're getting down to wire.

Next week will be filled with a myriad of tests and appointments to be sure I'm ready for the whole transplant process.

On March 17th I'll enter the hospital for the Bone Marrow Transplant!

The first four days will be filled with total body radiation, followed by more days of chemo, and then finally the bone marrow! From that point it will probably be about 3 weeks of recovery before I can continue recovering at home.

As for the bone marrow donor, I've been told their looking at one perfect 10 out of 10 match, and two 9 out of 10 matches. Couldn't ask for anything better

Keep ya posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Nick. We will be constantly praying for you throughout this entire process.You are such a fighter! Keep your spirits up!!