Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Keep on Truckin...

Here we are, Thursday! So far so good.

Today I'm getting the second dose of ATG (Anti-thymocyte globulin.) This medication is used to prevent transplant rejection. Just like the IVIG from the other day, there is the possibility of having a reaction to this drug. So with this drug I'm not just premedicated with benedryl and tylneoyl, but also with celebrex and steroids. All those drugs do wonders... on Tuesday when i got the first dose, I only ran a small (100.4) fever, so they were able to finish giving me the dose without any problems.

For the second dose, their infusing the medicine a little slower which should prevent having any reaction at all. All in all I'll receive this medication four times. Every other day since Tuesday (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday) Now, remember all those premeds I've been given to prevent against any reaction for this medication? Well, I actually receive the benedryl around the clock! Every 6 hours! They even continue the benedryl for 24 hours after the actual medicine finishes. So in other words, I have been and will be in a consistant benedryl comma until Tuesday.

It's amazing... 5 minutes after giving me the benedryl I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm finding this as a blessing in disguise. I've been having trouble sleeping and this pretty much keeps me napping for 18 hours a day.

Speaking of which, a new dose has just kicked in. So before I pass out onto my keyboard I must be off!


We're starting to see some growth! Today I had a .1 white count. The doctor's say it will probably drop back down to zero tomorrow, but that means the process is starting. To further encourage my new marrow the doctors will start me on GCSF (Remember the medication to help encourage white cell growth) and continue that for next week.

Things are looking good people!

And now... Good night!


Anonymous said...

Nick, You are doing so well, I'm so proud of you and I don't even know you!!!!! You are my hero. It sounds like you have a true understanding of what your body is going through. It amazes me as to what the human body is capable of. Keep strong, kiddo. Judy Freedman

Anonymous said...

You are truly amazing. Wishing you sweet dreams during your benedryl naps! As always our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love The Wozencrofts

Anonymous said...

Hey Nickie,

Its Doreen and Frank Fiumara (neighbors across the street). We're praying for you and thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. You're an amazing guy. Let us know if we can do anything for you.
Love The Fiumaras ;)

PS I've got to get you're mom and dad's secrets for raising a son with your positive attitude, deep faith in God and and entertaining writing ability!

Samuel Sutter said...

hey man, thanks for the update - we have all been praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, loved, loved, loved seeing you the other day! nice tan, even nicer smile and dimples. You reinvent the word courage. You are my hero. Take one day at a time. Love to Mom & Dad too. Always in my prayer.
Love You, Jo-Ann