Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tick Tock!!

Hey sports fans!

Everything here has been going great.

(knock on wood)

Today they've disconnected me from everything so I'm a free man!
I still don't have much of an appetite, and so I've been dropping weight. Doctor wants me to drink 3 liters of anything with substance (read: electrolytes) to try to offset the not eating.

Mom is bring me a few chicken cutlets from home today, maybe that will peek my interest!

Other then that, I've been feeling good! just generally tired. That's a combination of everything going on plus the not eating, but with time everything will return! Energy and Appetite.

It's funny, I've been here since March 27th. Looking back, that time has flew by! But knowing I'm going home tomorrow is making this weekend take forever! I'm so close!!!!


Anonymous said...

YEAH, Nick. So Happy to hear the good news. Please pace yourself daily so you don't burn your body out. Mangia, Mangia. Judy Freedman

Anonymous said...

We hope that Monday is the day to go home!! Your mom will put feed you like a king. Enjoy your time at home and keep healing!

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL NEWS!! There's no place like home to continue your recovery.
Love the Wozencrofts

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick, That is such great news!!! I am so happy you are going home :) Very exciting! I'm praying for your strength to return, complete healing and blessings for a healthy and happy future... May God bless... Love Mrs. B :)

Anonymous said...

Hoorah, that is are home. Now eat.
Anne M.