Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hello Hello..

Just a quick note to say hi! It's been two weeks, and even though there's nothing to report I can't leave everyone hanging!

I'm feeling good and the doctor's are happy. I'm still on house arrest (more or less) and we'll probably take the next T Cell count in a few weeks. Not too hopeful for anything amazing since the last count was 0. I need at least 200 before they start taking away restrictions.

But I must be off... it's the girlfriend's birthday weekend and I have many things to tend to :-)

Till next time!

Tuesday I'll be at sloan all day for my monthly IVIG (Passive Immune System) expect a longer post then!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 50!!

I know you've all been wondering where I've been, but I just wanted to wait until day 50 to make a post. I don't know why, it doesn't have any real significance, but it is a nice big round number!

Everything is going well, I'm still feeling great and the doctors are happy. I started coming down with a sinus "thing" earlier in the week, but since starting antibiotics it has resolved.

This entire week has been "Senior Week" at Marist. Essentially one week long party. I felt bad that my friends wouldn't be able to celebrate it with me, so I made a life-sized cardboard stand-up and sent it to them! Needless to say, completely inappropriate pictures will soon follow. :-)

Tomorrow will also be Marist's Commencement Ceremony. This year they'll be broadcasting it over the web, so my parents and I will be able to watch.

This morning I also got an unexpected surprise. At around 11 AM the phone rings. The caller ID says "Marist College." I'm wondering who it could be. Is it someone from the Music Department, someone from the school of computer science... no... It was President of Marist College, Dennis Murray.

I was totally taken back. He wished me well on my recovery and expressed his condollences since I won't be able to attend graduation. He also said that he'll be giving me a shout out in his speech! What a nice guy!!

That really made my morning!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

All is well...

As the title states... all is well!

I'm looking good (when do I not?) and feeling good!
Yesterday I even went to the driving range! This time I didn't go crazy and I feel fine today.

All the scans came back and they look great, nothing there! The doctor is happy!
We got my first T Cell count back and the number is... zero.
No worries, it's what we expected. The count was only taken at 30 days out, and because of my age it will take a while for that number to come in.

Other then that I'm 2 take home finals and one 20 page paper away from graduation!
YIPPE! Time to get back to all that.