Today Is

It has been
Since Transplant

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's been a slow month...

Well... It's been a slow month. The usual routine...

Tuesday - Sloan Check-up @NYC
Thursday - Sloan Lab Work @Commack

I've been trying to get myself into a better schedule. Earlier in the summer I was waking up between 10 & 11 every day. I've finally gotten myself alive by 8 on a daily basis.

I'll keep this 8 o'clock schedule for about a week... then try and push it back to 7. Eventually get it to 6 in preparation for me having to enter the "real world."

On a side note, I've decide to start something productive...
Next Sunday (Sept 7th) I start an EMT Course! It's every Sunday until March. This is something I've wanted to do for a while. Even if I don't have the time to join a volunteer corps afterward... it should be some pretty useful skills to have!

Friday, August 08, 2008

New Picture!

As you can see from the top of the page... there is a new picture!

We have a T-Cell Count Meter!

The Middle of the chart shows 200, which would be what I need for the doctor to start lessening restrictions. The end of the chart would be 400, which is considered the low end of normal.


Well my T-Cell went up... just not as much as I had hoped.
They are at 107.

So In one month they went from 98 to 107.
But in the two months prior they went from 0 to 98.

I don't know why they've slowed, but the doctor's say that it's normal because of my age.

Keep on truckin...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

No Results...

Results aren't back yet... check back tomorrow! :-)