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Since Transplant

Friday, August 08, 2008

New Picture!

As you can see from the top of the page... there is a new picture!

We have a T-Cell Count Meter!

The Middle of the chart shows 200, which would be what I need for the doctor to start lessening restrictions. The end of the chart would be 400, which is considered the low end of normal.


Anonymous said...

Nick, you are amazing. Hey, at least they are going up which is phenominal. Patience is a virtue and unfortunately, that is what you need. I know it's tough, but you will get there. You will definitely get there. Hang in there kiddo and we love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Oh btw.....that was from Mike & Dana

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
Glad to hear your t-cells are growing and you don't have a clot!
Best regards,
Anne M.